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Release Notes - LibreOffice Productivity Suite 4.4.2

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LibreOffice Productivity Suite 4.4.2

LibreOffice 4.4.2 (2015-04-02) - Fresh Branch

This is the second bugfix release from the 4.4 branch of LibreOffice which contains new features and program enhancements. As such, the version is stable and is suitable for all users. This version may contain a few annoying bugs which will be fixed in the next bugfix versions to come.

Notes for Mac OS X:

  • please start LibreOffice at least once before installing a languagepack (tdf#89704)
  • languagepacks are unsigned and require to use "Open" from the contextmenu while pressing the "Option" key (tdf#89561)
  • to make use of dictionaries shipped with a languagepack, please see tdf#90298

General notes on features and enhancements are contained in the 4.4.x line of releases. For a detailed list, please check our complete release notes here

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