- 5137 avifil32 limits itself to max of 1024 frames when writing avis
- 12295 Star Trek Klingon Academy 1.02: Ship textures are partly invisible
- 15111 Adobe Photoshop CS2 tools stop working in maximised images
- 18474 DPP (Digital Photo Professional): Instruments window returns to its starting position (in the center) automatically when the image windows is selected
- 20015 X-Lite don`t work with ALSA driver correctly
- 22521 .NET 2.0 SP2 installer fails (RegSvcs.exe bootstrapper expects updated assemblies while GAC update is deferred during install)
- 22602 KP500-Utils-EN.exe fails silently to extract .kdz files
- 27616 Warcraft 3: missing mouse cursor
- 28556 ICQ 7 installer error message
- 28866 Avant Browser needs HTMLElement_get_isTextEdit
- 30220 Unhandled privileged instruction when starting Minitab 16 (Sentinel HASP hardlock.sys kernel driver tries to write to CR4/not handled in ntoskrnl emulate_instruction)
- 30420 pyjamas desktop (python26 + python-comtypes MSHTML.DLL from IE8) fails due to unsupported ReadTypeLib header
- 30836 Total Overdose: choppy audio playback with Diesel Power 3D sound system
- 32169 Multiple 64-bit applications crash on startup (GetLocaleInfo() returns improper TCHAR count for LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK) (PowerGrep v4.x, RegexBuddy 4.x)
- 32888 Compiling Ultracopier inside Qt 5.0.1 results in errors from compiler
- 32954 Trying to download flash from iexplore crashes in jscript
- 33809 javascript basic DOM API functions fail
- 33940 winmm/mci tests hang on PC-BSD
- 34230 SWGEmu crashes everytime it tries to load
- 34271 Artemis 2.0 crashes when loading the splash screen
- 34330 Wine64 does not work on FreeBSD
- 34864 Call of Duty: Ghosts needs psapi/kernel32 K32EnumProcessModulesEx
- 35076 Multiple applications/installers fails due to SWbemLocator::ConnectServer being a stub (PSPad 4.5.7, Nitro PDF Professional 6.2.x, eTax 2008, GOG.com games)
- 35167 Atom Zombie Smasher, Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War GOTY (Winter Assault) on Steam doesn't start with Wine Mono 4.5.2
- 35173 Loud audio distortion using wine 1.7.6 and up
- 35230 Macromedia Freehand 9 demo: invalid path for file association default icon causes stack overflow in winemenubuilder
- 35253 BOINC 5.8.16: uninstall fails
- 35364 Multiple applications/installers fail due to WinMGMTS_ParseDisplayName stub (PaintRibbon 1.x, MicroStation V8i)
- 35403 dplayx interactive tests crash
- 35420 Stronghold Kingdoms crashes due to ID3DXFont PreloadCharacters being a stub
- 35754 WHO Anthro software doesn't work with Mono 4.5.2 (unimplemented System.Configuration.SettingValueElement.Unmerge)
- 35971 dsound resampler causing clicks in StarCraft when resampling to 48000
- 36092 Microsoft Office 2013 (15.0) and OneNote web installer crashes on unimplemented function IPHLPAPI.DLL.CreateSortedAddressPairs
- 36703 PlayOn 3.9.13 settings tool fails to detect system memory size (needs 'Win32_OperatingSystem' WMI class 'TotalVisibleMemorySize' property)
- 36777 vSphere 5.5 client 'hcmon.sys' driver crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.IoCsqInitialize
- 36785 Hero Lab 5.x fails to retrieve updates
- 36822 Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.3.5 'FairplayKD.sys' driver crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.KeSetSystemAffinityThread
- 36844 Multiple games need X3DAudio1_7.dll (BeamNG v0.3 Tech Demo, Doom 3 BFG Edition)
- 36937 WinHttpReceiveRequest goes into infinite blocking on 304 responses
- 36991 WSAStringToAddress("2001::1", AF_INET, …) appears to succeed
- 37265 MaxQuant 1.4/1.5 (.NET 4.5 app) needs named entry point 'Shell32.dll.SHILCreateFromPath' in 'Windows Vista' mode
- 37333 winefile command line does not support paths with spaces
- 37423 YouTube Downloader crashes
- 37565 Skype crashes trying to chat with anyone
- 37658 Endless Space crashes on startup
- 37684 Free YouTube to MP3 Converter 3.12 installer crashes on unimplemented function msvcr120.dll._wcsset_s
- 37700 Propellerhead Reason 8 needs COMCTL32.dll.381 LoadIconWithScaleDown()
- 37701 Propellerhead Reason 8 needs mfplat.dll.MFStartup
- 37714 Personal Ancestral File 5 crashes when a new line is added in 'Notes' panel
- 37723 Elevated demo silently exits
- 37727 Saya no Uta: sound is all over the place after update
- 37735 Propellerhead Reason 8 installer complains "interface not supported" during install
- 37752 Airport Tycoon 2 demo fails to load with built-in msvcp70
- 37757 Windows 8.1 Media Creation Tool: crashes due to unimplemented function VERSION.dll.GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW
- 37768 hh.exe
- 37783 N1MM PLUS Logger 1.0 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes on launch (failure to parse registration-free COM/ActiveX info from app manifest)
- 37787 Cannot install Olympus Viewer 3
- 37794 Bus Simulator 2012 crashes on startup
- 37817 Autocad2006 crashes on unimplemented function msvcp70.dll.??0?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PBDH@Z
- 37836 SteuerSparErklärung 2015: crashes when starting a new tax case
- 37839 Unable to license IAR Embedded Workbench Kickstart Edition 6.x/7.x (License Manager needs 'Win32_ComputerSystemProduct' WMI class)
- 37844 PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 Web installer crashes ('Win32_LogicalDisk' WMI class needs to provide 'VolumeName' property)
- 37848 For loop %~$PATH:I feature works incorrect - PATH variable size limited by MAX_PATH
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Wine 10.2 esegue il software nativo per Windows su Linux, Unix e MacOS | Indice delle news  | |  | | Ultimi File | Linux Kernel 6.14 | AMD Radeon Software for Linux 24.20.3 | Wine 10.4 [Development Release] | GIMP 3.0.0 | GIMP 3.0.0 | NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.133.07 | Linux Kernel 6.13.6 | Wine 10.3 [Development Release] | LibreOffice 25.2.1 | NVIDIA Linux X64 (AMD64/EM64T) Display Driver 570.124.04 | Indice dei file  | |