For those who can't leave their computers even during Christmas (as I am apparently one of you), here is an update for Slax, code name Green Hornet, version 7.0.1. Changes include mostly bugfixes, kernel upgrade, Broadcom SoftMac support, and textmode support for keyboard mapping and fonts for the following languages: it, pt, ru, uk, fr, pl, cs, de.
Raw changelog:
- Fixed doubleclick on location bar in firefox
- Fixed slax buildscript download, was not working in a subdirectory with spaces
- Introduced bashrc with colors for konsole, thanks to Prcek for suggestion
- xterm no longer needs helper in xterm.bin, hooray
- allow underscore and plus sign characters in buildscript name
- buildscript now supports function call 'strip_unneeded_objects'
- buildscript now supports SLAX_64_FLAG variable which is set to "64" on x86_64 arch
- updated flags for Catalan, Arabic and Chinese Tradidional according to users
- added support for textmode fonts and keymaps: it, pt, ru, uk, fr, pl, cs, de
- fixed deactivation of modules which were activated automatically during boot
- upgraded to Linux Kernel 3.6.11
- added broadcom driver for SoftMac, thanks to MarkDS for suggestion