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Pubblicità Informazioni e Release Notes del file: REAPER 3.11 Ultime News
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Changes:  Automation drawing, plug-in firewalling, lots of other goodness

  • Automation: freehand envelope drawing (ctrl+drag by default, optionally ctrl+alt+drag)
  • Multiproject: support for playing background projects with current, option to sync start times
  • Take: realtime reverse take
  • Toolbar: arm a custom toolbar button by right-clicking, click an item in the arrange view to run it
  • VST: configurable bridging/firewalling on x64 and x86 (prefs/VST, per VST option in FX browser)
  • Action: crossfade any overlapping selected items
  • Action: toggle master track and tempo envelope visibility together
  • Action window: allow removal of multiple key bindings at once
  • ASIO: fixed compatibility with Zoom R16 (and possibly other devices)
  • Automation: envelope data reduction during recording is now on by default
  • Automation: add a point anywhere in an envelope lane by clicking
  • Automation: envelope lanes now respect locking
  • CD burning: better gapless CD image generation, more accurate marker/region track generation
  • CD burning: allow recording multiple copies from single render, better error messages
  • Cleaner display of track information on routing/fx/envelope windows/tooltips/etc
  • Editing: fixed shift+click for multiple selection in arrange view
  • Editing: do not allow track envelopes to move vertically when ripple edit is enabled
  • Fades: option to disable autofades/autocrossfades for MIDI items
  • FX autobuild routing: clearer indication that cancelling autobuild will still load the FX
  • FX chains: loading FX chains will search the path of the .rfxchain for media files (for reasamplomatic/reaverb)
  • FX window: UTF-8 support for preset/program combo boxes
  • Help: useful information (info or context sensitive help) displayed below TCP section
  • JS: fixed a bug causing potential crashes when parameters automated
  • JS: new slider() function to get a slider by index (values 1..64)
  • License keys: updated text for non-commercial to be more accurate (personal/small business)
  • Loop recording: fixes for rounding errors causing items to be slightly too long
  • MCU: better support for emulated surfaces that do not notify touch state
  • Media explorer: menu options to enable RPP preview, disable tempo sync
  • MIDI editor: velocity lane editing affects only selected notes if there is a selection visible
  • MIDI editor: show MIDI track input on piano keys
  • MIDI editor: less eager to show empty space to the left of the MIDI item
  • MIDI editor: fixed drawing controller data over existing data on another channel
  • MIDI editor: actions to move to previous/next lyric
  • MIDI editor: fixed blinking cursor reappearing when offscreen
  • MIDI: in-project MIDI preview should now interrupt audio less
  • Mixer: improved extended mixer FX context menu layout
  • OSX: fixed low latency MIDI output mode
  • OSX: fixed menu key binding labels
  • OSX: fixed MIDI note name editing
  • OSX: AU compatibility improvements
  • OSX: fixed key assigning special keys in actions window
  • OSX: fixed keyboard navigation in file open/save dialogs
  • OSX: holding shift during startup now prevents REAPER from loading last project (like on Win32)
  • OSX: fixed routing dialog scroll issues on 10.4
  • Pan: allow settings as low as +1/-1% with control+drag
  • Peak building now handles multiple projects nicely
  • Pencil mode: obey loop preference when drawing empty MIDI item
  • Project settings: project media browse dialog better deals with relative paths
  • ReaSamplomatic5000: ability to fully buffer smaller audio samples (better performance)
  • ReaSamplomatic5000: removed pan automation zipper noises
  • ReaSamplomatic5000: volume/rate/etc automation now affects playing samples
  • ReaSamplomatic5000: parameter for MIDI pitch bend amount (default is 2 semitones, can do up to 12)
  • ReaSamplomatic5000: safer thread-source management
  • ReaSamplomatic5000: notify undo state when sample changed
  • ReaVerb: less RAM use during file loading
  • Safer memory management in undo, ReaVerb, and other areas
  • Snap: relative snap support
  • Snap: when grid-snap settings follow visible grid, do not snap if grid is not visible
  • Selection: faster selection of multiple tracks in some cases where other windows are open
  • Take: fixes/improvements to loop section
  • TCP: Fixed track VU meter glitch
  • TCP/mixer: mousewheel support on FX knobs and sends
  • Tempo markers: manual edit of position defaults to timeline units (, min:sec, etc)
  • Undo: fixed multiproject undo system bugs
  • Undo window: safer destroy on exit
  • User preference: default track height in new projects, set to medium (was small) by default
  • Virtual MIDI keyboard: arrow keys can be passed through to main window
  • VST: per instance option to disable PDC
  • VST: safer preset changes with some buggy plugins
  • Windows Vista/7: validate ini file path before using (to ensure that it is writeable)
  • Windows: fixed some issues with long strings in text boxes
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